Smart Lenders AM is a management company founded in 2014 specializing in alternative credit and specialty finance in the United States and Europe. For over a decade, Smart Lenders AM has focused on emerging financing niches arising from fintech.
The focus is on providing capital via debt instruments to small and medium businesses and consumer who are underserved by traditional banking channels.
Our mission: to provide institutional investors with access to new financing niches arising from alternative credit, while preserving their capital.
Smart Lenders AM’s investment philosophy is to focus on so-called “alternative” credit niches aimed at generating robust returns with low volatility and low correlation to major market indices.
We believe that alternative credit can diversify investors’ traditional credit allocations throughout the economic cycle.
Smart Lenders AM is constantly on the lookout for investment structuring opportunities, with very attractive risk and return profiles. This philosophy enables us to build strong relationships with our clients and partners, while seeking to align the interests of all parties concerned.
Our investment expertise is led by our deep knowledge of the industry complemented by our independent proprietary credit scoring quantitative model to select and evaluate the platforms and their loans.
Smart Lenders AM has a data-driven investment strategy. In the alternative lending market, new technologies enable to gather big data. Data is therefore at the forefront of our statistical analysis and portfolio management.
Smart Lenders AM has developed a tailored-made risk management framework adapted to its activities.
Smart Lenders AM has extensive knowledge of the needs of an institutional investor
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